Sex Addiction Test© and infidelity
Article: Sex addiction, testing and adultery Questions and answers about adultery This is an article in the series of answers about infidelity.At the bottom of the page you will find links to the other articles in the series.You are welcome to print, bookmark, email and share this article.Also see the blog and website for press, […]
Relationship Test© / Test your relationship / Couples therapy
As a couples therapist, I have developed a new relationship test – in addition to the good old and well-known “The Developing Relationship Test©”, which many of my clients have been really happy with during their course in couple therapy. In order to make the new Relationship Test© available to as many clients as possible, it […]
Relationships / MBTI / Couples therapy
Differences, acceptance and understanding in the relationship Love from a place of understanding and acceptance, rather than judgment. I recently attended an exciting lecture at the Jungforeningen on Jung’s typology. What most people know as MBTI/JTI. A tool I have worked with since 1999 and still use diligently as a couples therapist in couple therapy. Read more below […]
Alcohol test / family & couple relations / couple therapy
For whom is alcohol a problem? As a family and couple therapist, I meet families and couples with alcohol problems every day in my practice. Very few of them are addicted or have an actual addiction. At the same time, very few of them are aware of how much they actually drink and how little […]
ParforholdsTest© / Test dit parforhold / Parterapi
Den Hurtige ParforholdsTest© – afklarende Den Grundige ParforholdsTest© – forberedende Den Seriøse ParforholdsTest© – udviklende Kommercielle personlighedstest/profiler Jeg har som parterapeut udviklet en ny parforholdstest – udover den gode gamle og velkendte ”Den Udviklende ParforholdsTest©”, som mange af mine klienter har været rigtigt glade for under deres forløb i parterapi. For at gøre den nye […]
SexAfhængighedsTest© og utroskab
Hvad er sexafhængighed Kan man teste sexafhængighed Gratis sexafhængighedstest Artikel: Sexafhængighed, test og utroskab Spørgsmål og svar om utroskab Dette er en artikel i serien med svar omkring utroskab. Nederst på siden finder du links til de øvrige artikler i serien. Du er velkommen til at printe, bookmarke, maile og dele denne artikel. Se endvidere […]
Alkoholtest / Familie- & parforhold / Parterapi
Alkohol, relationer, familie og parforhold Voksne børn af alkoholikere i parforhold Smerte, psykologisk smerte og selvmedicinering Gratis relationsorienteret alkoholtest For hvem er alkohol et problem Som familie- og parterapeut møder jeg dagligt i min praksis familier og par med alkoholproblemer. Meget få af dem er afhængige eller har et egentligt misbrug. Samtidig er de færrest […]
Parforhold / MBTI / Parterapi
Modsætninger mødes i parforholdet Introvert kontra ekstrovert Forståelse og accept fremfor vurdering og dom MBTI og parterapi MBTI som kærlighedens kompas Hvordan navigerer vi i parforholdet med MBTI Forskelle, accept og forståelse i parforholdet Love from a place of understanding and acceptance, rather than judgement. Jeg var for nylig til et spændende foredrag i Jungforeningen […]