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Couples Therapy in Copenhagen & Online

Experienced International Psychotherapist with Specialisation in Couples Therapy

Couples therapy • Couples therapist • Copenhagen • Online • Worldwide


  • Therapy in Danish or English
  • Copenhagen, online and worldwide
  • Couples therapy and sex therapy
  • Imago therapy and family therapy
  • No waiting time, book acute

International Couples Therapist & Psychotherapist


Call +45 61661900

Kasper T. Larsen, mba
Exam. psychotherapist
Cert. couples therapist

Kasper Larsen offer psychotherapy and couples therapy based on more than 30 years of experience. He established his own private practice in 2002 and has developed an effective concept, which for over 15 years has helped thousands clients to better self-regulation, health, lives and relationships.

Kasper is EAP/EAGT examined psychotherapist with highest mark and certified in couples therapy. He is trained and supervised by the best worldwide. For many years he has participated at GATLA. GATLA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. There he has worked at Master Level as therapist and supervisor. He is also trained by Rita and Bob Resnick in advanced couples therapy.

Kasper is specialised in the mind, relationship paradigms, relationships and psychological problems affecting and deriving from relationships. E.g. stress, anxiety, depression, sorrow, sexuality, infidelity, alcohol, addiction, copedepency and adult children of alcoholics. Besides therapy, Kasper is certified in mindshifts and paradigm shifts by Bob Proctor. And for those who need energy or body work, he also combines the therapy with methods and tools from his background as Access Bars Consciousness Facilitator, Body Process Facilitator and RYT 200 Exam Yoga Teacher.

Concept & price for good couples therapy in Danish or English


  • Evidence based education, process, methods and tools for couples therapy
  • Intensive and efficient concept of 6 consultations of 1:20 hour in 6 weeks
  • First consultation DKK from 1,200
  • Hereafter full price or a package voucher of five consultations
  • First time includes free downloadable couples test
  • Free tools by purchase of package voucher
  • Proven concept and thousands of clients
  • Over 90% of the clients succeed with this concept

Private therapeutic practice for professional couples therapy & psychotherapy with no waiting time


  • International psychotherapy and couples therapy without waiting time
  • Therapy in Danish or English and support in German, French, Swedish and Norwegian
  • Full-time practice online, worldwide and in Copenhagen only 150 meters from Valby Station
  • Family, relationship, sexuality, infidelity and adultery
  • Stress, anxiety, depression, sorrow, alcohol and co-dependency
  • Over 30 years of experience in psychological crisis, development and change
  • Male consultant, coach, psychotherapist, sexologist, family, imago and couples therapist
  • Additional trained RYT 200 Yoga Teacher, Access Bars and Body Process Facilitator

International couples therapy by


  • Private practice online and in Copenhagen since 2002 just at Valby Station in Cph
  • Anonymous full-time practice, flexible concept, several treatment forms and specialities
  • Use the concept or create your own process in cooperation with the couples therapist
  • Get couples therapy online by phone in case of travel, illness or problems with babysitting
  • The method is relational, phenomenological and process oriented gestalt, imago and cognitive
  • The psychotherapeutic style is direct, fast, honest, warm, deep and change oriented
  • Free blog, articles, exercises, tests, tools etc. without responsibility or obligation
  • Terms apply at any contact and all work is at the cost, risk and responsibility of the client
  • Bookings/ payments/ vouchers are final, one klip is valid one month and five in five months
  • One free cancellation/ change per package voucher, no later than 09:00 two workdays before
  • Call if questions and for booking – phone, whatsapp or skype

All the above is this is the essence of this site

Booking of couples therapy & psychotherapy


  • Call +45 61661900 / whatsapp between 09:00 and 16:00 for booking
  • Thereafter secure your booking with registration and payment
  • Payment by MobilePay or as agreed, but credit cards cannot be used
  • Easy, fast and personal booking of couples therapy without waiting time

More about couples therapy & psychotherapy

The mission for couples therapy

The mission for couples therapy is for you to create the life and relationship you want

  • Dialogue, assertion, communication, problem solving, conflict resolution, negotiation…
  • Cohabitation, relationships, attachment, commitment, intimacy, love, passion, sex life…
  • Illness, loss, grief, anomaly, crisis, conflicts, quarrels, infidelity, adultery, alcohol, divorce… in Copenhagen is specialised in relational psychotherapy in the form of couples therapy within psychosocial issues around relationships, family relations, cohabitation, sex, infidelity, alcohol, illness, death, loss and grief as well as psychological communication, mentalisation, attachment, adult-child, inner-child and abandonment issues.

Couples therapy and relational psychotherapy

The therapy includes psychological and relational clarification, prevention and treatment within processes like crisis, loss, sorrow, development and transformation. The experience is that the psychological challenges are based in the personal psyche and appears in the relationships and in front of the therapist. They are therefore also best treated relational. In cases where it is not possible for the partner or relatives to participate in the family or couples therapy, you may by agreement come alone for individual psychotherapy. Alternatively, you can get couples therapy online e.g. per phone or skype, if the partner is travelling or in case of challenges with *babysitting, illness or risk of infection.

Proven concept of couples therapy in Copenhagen offers a private, inexpensive, efficient and proven concept and method with six consultations over a couple of months. The concept has more than 15 years on the bag and has been used by several thousands of clients. In 90% of the cases, this evidence-based, short and intensive concept in couples therapy is enough. In addition, you can download a free couples test from the website. And there are many more options, such as prophylactic, retention, developmental therapy in the form of imago therapy.

A classic process at

A classic concept, as above, starts with a single consultation in couples therapy, where you get a brief introduction, clarifies the situation, defines focus and work on a voluntarily subject. If all parties agree, you can subsequently be accepted as client. Then you can continue, in a brief and intensive process by a voucher package. And, if you want, your process can be concluded with prophylactic, retention, developmental therapy in the form of imago therapy. And/or you can follow up with a some quarterly marriage checkups in order to maintain and secure the development as well as to prevent or treat any relapse.

Therapeutic Offers at in Greater Copenhagen offers couples therapy, family therapy, imago therapy, sex therapy, psychotherapy, alcohol treatment, crisis therapy, divorce therapy, grief therapy, access bars and access body processes. That includes relational treatment of e.g. stress reactions, anxiety, depression, grief, mental illness, crisis, critical illness, death, infidelity, alcohol problems, adult child issues and divorce.

About the couples therapist

International trained psychotherapist, specialised in international relations and expatriates.

Kasper Larsen has worked professionally with people since 1989, had his private practice since 2002 in Copenhagen and he is internationally certified coach (INLPTA and by Bob Proctor), access bars and acces body process facilitator and examined gestalt psychotherapist at European standards (EAGT and EAP) with 12 as final mark (the highest).

Kasper has clinical experience within health services, treatment centres and business e.g. the social psychiatry, Tuba, Blå Kors, Lænken, Offerrådgivningen (OID), Prescriba and own practice in Copenhagen.

Before that he has a business psychology background as a consultant in human resources management, management consultancy, psychological testing / profiles (DiSC, MBTI and The enneagram), leadership, partnerships, teams and organisations.

Kasper has thus a long experience with effective and professional process work in business- and private life.

His continuing education includes national and international recommended institutions as well as several of the world’s best teachers, therapists and supervisors. Like several years at Gatla. At Master Level as therapist and supervisor. GATLA is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. At GATLA Kasper Larsen is also trained in couples therapy at basic and advanced level.

Due to his international background the couples therapy is also supported in German, French, Danish, Swedish or Norwegian.

The values behind couples therapy & psychotherapy

  • The couples therapy is relational treatment with psychotherapy for adult in relation
  • The treatment is six consultations or special designed processes
  • The basis is what you talk about and that honesty is love
  • The goal is mastery and your process includes insight, responsibility, action and change
  • The aim is that you create the relationship you wish and quickly become independent
  • The method is process oriented and relational psychotherapy for individuals and couples
  • The form changes between psychoeducation, mirroring, challenge and support
  • The foundation is psychological, phenomenological, epistemological, and dialogical
  • The style is direct, fast, straightforward and warm plus simple, uncomplicated and practical
  • The process is individualised, flexible, efficient, intensive and short
  • There is also possibility for slower and deeper work if you are ready and want more
  • The terms and frame is accepted by booking, registration, payment or participation
  • The couples therapist offers a frame, results, responsibility and e.g. risks are the client’s
  • The precondition is readiness, commitment, focus, responsibility and action
  • The demands on the client is tolerance, respect, cooperation and meeting attendance stability
  • The teacher will appear, when the student is ready – popularly said
  • The dispatch is fast – come acute or get an appointment within a week
  • The procedure is simple – call +45 61661900, book, pay and come

Parterapi på engelsk i København samt parterapi understøttet på tysk, fransk, svensk og norsk

Couples therapy in English in Copenhagen & online

Couples coaching, couples therapy, imago therapy, sex therapy, couples counselling, relate counselling, relationship counselling, premarital counselling, marriage counselling, marriage therapy, family therapy, marriage checkup…

Marriage is a people-growing machine

The relationship is both a gift and a task. Most couples seek a couples therapist / couples counsellor for help to solve a problem and to improve their quality of life. The relationship is also your teacher or as Dr. David Schnarch says, “Marriage is a people-growing machine”.

Besides a secure base, more love, healthy attachment, better relations couples therapy / couples counselling also can lead to deep insight, unique learning, powerful tools and personal development. The results are often gained for life and for the benefit of both your private and professional life. The effort and investment in couples therapy / couples counselling can therefore be seen on both short term and long term.

Love has no borders

Couples therapy is serious but not necessarily painful. People who try couples therapy are often positively surprised and learn that they can preserve their personal integrity. They also realise that they can achieve closeness and love at the same time they attain acknowledgement and respect for their feelings, thoughts, views, borders, wishes, needs, actions and intentions.
Though results cannot be promised, it is the experience of that 90% of all couples that are ready and have decided to make it work at the same time they responsibly, active and goal oriented complete the process at, will save their marriage and avoid divorce.

It is only love, give it away

It is quite normal with challenges in the relationship. Therefore it is not a shame to have a problem. It can be a shame not to do anything about it. A solution can be below concept for process orientated couples therapy. Besides that marriage checkup, imago therapy, couples sex therapy / couples sex counselling, customised processes, workshops, personal profiles, individual psychotherapy and family therapy is offered.
Couples therapy is more focused on the relation plus the here and now, than the individual and the past. Though, if you are uncertain about couples therapy, you can book a session of couples couseling / relate counselling. In couples counselling the work is les therapeutic plus more mental and tool based than in couples therapy. At the first session you can get feedback and ask questions. After that you can make your decision.

If you never try, you’ll never know

Couples therapy offers a wonderful tool to assist any couple in a relationship with facilitating the problems and challenges that occur during everyday life, in crisis or at divorce.
Prevention is often better than cure. However, most couples seek couples therapy when they feel frustration or experience development crises. For instance when infatuation cools off, when the couple move in together, when they marry, around pregnancy, when the infant phase is over, when problems in the family, around mid-life crisis, when the children have left the home or when you leave the job market. At the two year crisis, the seven year crisis or at the twelve year crisis. When stress, depression, anxiety, frustration, distance and separate living. When challenges around values, differences, problem solving, negotiation, communication, trust, respect, boarders, emotions, closeness, intimacy and sexuality.

A bird may love a fish, but where will they live?

Other triggers can be life crises / existential crises and acute conflicts like quarrels, anger, violence, infidelity (unfaithfulness, cheating, extramarital sex, adultery…) and addiction / substance abuse. It can also be factors around job, finance, family, fertility, birth, illness, psychological problems, accidents, death, suicide…

Couples therapy closely addresses communication difficulties and other challenges – common as personal. Sessions often aim at bridging the inevitable gap between individuals, struggling to make sense of each other – across boundaries, differences, values, challenges, language and taboos. Couples therapy offers you the opportunity to together share your experiences, to establish common ground and to facilitate change. Regardless of how your relationship develops, you are offered assistance in facilitating a respectful communication between you both.

Concept © for couples therapy in Copenhagen

  • Marriage checkup or premarital counselling
  • Process of 6 consultations over 2-3 months
  • Free personality tests and a RelationshipTest©
  • Voucher package with discount
  • Personal service on +45 61661900

  • Morning, day, evening, weekend and online consultation
  • Practice in Copenhagen since 2002 and specialised in couples therapy
  • Profound theory, proven methodology and concept for couples therapy
  • Certified, experienced and international male couples therapist
  • Couples therapy in Danish, English, German, French and Øresund’sk (S/N)
  • Reduced prices at specific hours or by voucher (klippekort)

Consultation in couples therapy & free tests and tools

Bilingual couples therapist in Copenhagen offers couples therapy in English or Danish and couples therapy supported in Swedish, Norwegian, French or German.

In addition you get a free couples test / relationship test and a free personality test. With this, you get a good start on your couples therapy. Otherwise you can just take a single consultation as a marriage checkup or premarital counselling.

Psychometrics, test and business psychology

Besides psychotherapy and couples therapy Kasper Larsen is a certified coach and has for years worked as top management consultant for the big five and within business psychology. His speciality is relations and couples therapy hereunder communication, cooperation, negotiation and problem resolution. He has worked with psychometrics since 1999 e.g. MBTI (Jungian typology) since 1999, DiSC (Marston / Gier) since 2003 and The Enneagram (Riso, Hudson, Ichazo, Naranjo & Gurdjieff) since 2003.

Free test and tools for couples therapy

Relationship test, couples test, couple test

Take the temperature of your relationship with couples test.

In the menu under Parforholdstest you both find a Danish and an English version of’s free couples test.

The core concept of Process Oriented Couples Therapy ©

The core concept of Process Oriented Couples Therapy © consists of six sessions of couples therapy over three months and is available at a reduced prices at specific hours. After the first consultation a voucher package of five further sessions with a discount is also offered. Depending on how far you already have coached yourself and what your focus is, the process typical comprehends phases like crisis stabilization, development and prevention. Besides that imago therapy, couples sex therapy / couples sex counseling, accelerated processes, skype consultations, workshops, personal profiles, individual psychotherapy and family therapy is also available.

A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together.
It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.
Dave Meurer

The work is relatively fast and direct. It is adjusted to your personality and situation. Through the process you may become better at communicating, forming the relationship, dealing with differences and working together. At the same time you develop new tools on your own, clean up, forgive, repair, solve problems and get guidance in order to move from support to self-help, to find the spark, to look forward and to prevent divorce. The process also embraces topics like contact, flexibility, approximation and rejection; awareness, insight, learning, responsibility and choice; self-regulation, individually and in coexistence; dialogue, expectations, meaning, direction and negotiation; mentalisation, recognition and acknowledgement; closeness, love, intimacy, emotional expression and exchange.

Everyone says that love hurts. But that’s not true.
Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts.

Sometimes it looks difficult, but where there is a will there is a way. Although the majority of couples are seeking support to make it work, some need help for shutting down, breaking up and getting the subsequent cooperation around children to work. Others seek support to get back together or to find alternative forms of relations / living / cohabition. Others again, want support to merge their different families. Finally, there are some who want support to learn from past mistakes, to find love / a new partner and to do the best to get it to work in the new relationship. Sometimes the individual processes mix with the couples processes. A part of the work may be to handle that.

The meeting of two personalities
is like the contact of two chemical substances:
if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Carl Jung

The concept of process orientated couples therapy is primarily for couples who are motivated, focused and ready. Especially couples who are looking for feedback, mirroring, development and change through communication, insight, responsibility, exercise and new behavior. The method is relational, existential, phenomenological and mentalisation based (MBT). The work is forward-, growth-, holistic- and process oriented. The therapy is inspired of imago, gestalt, systemic, narrative and cognitive (CBT) psychotherapy plus transactional analysis (TA) and assertiveness training (AT). The form is talking therapy and the point of departure is communication and training.

We do not see things as they are,
we see things as we are.
Anais Nin

The change is thus a process created at two levels – psychological and behavioural. Couples, who are more behavioural- and results-oriented than process-oriented, are especially supported in goal setting, homework assignments and evaluation. The direct focus is on the couple, the relationship and the process of the couple. Indirectly the process also supports and requires personal development – we are born in connectedness, we suffer in separateness and we developed reciprocity. From time to time couples therapy can be challenge. Couples in need of preparatory work can get extra support in the beginning and extra sessions when wanted. In practice you need only to think of what you want to talk about and what you want to get out of the session, then the couples therapist / couples counselor will take charge of the method.

Without expression,
even the greatest of loves can die.
Robert Sternberg

The style is warm and effortless and alternates between being supportive, guiding, confrontational and integral. The form varies between being emotional and mental. The method includes psychotherapy plus process consultation, coaching, mentoring, training, (psycho-) education, pedagogics and communication, assertiveness training etc. The couples therapist acts as an impartial and confidential facilitator, who supports you in your work, process and goals. Since the toolbox is big and the experience is extensive, you are welcome to bring up any topic, whether it is structural, existential, psychological, social or work related – emotional or practical. It is therefore first and foremost my goal to meet you where you are and go with whatever you bring up. Then it is my goal, through reciprocal responsibility and co-operation to co-create a good chemestry and the best couples therapy; through which you can maintain and develop your relationship, deal with your differences in the contact, create insight, find solutions, make decisions and develop your own tools.

Relationship heals ©

Specialisation within couples therapy

Infidelity, adultery, affair, betrayal, cheating… and couples therapy in Copenhagen and online is specialised in dealing with infidelity, adultery, affair, betrayal, cheating… and its many forms confidential, emotional, sexual, electronic, financial etc. And its many consequences including everything from sexually transmitted diseases (STD), sexually transmitted infections (STI), pregnancy, career and financial.

Infidelity and adultery is one of the most devastating crisis that can occur in a relationship. Infidelity and adultery affects basically any aspect of life. The family, children, work, economy, health etc. How to deal with it? How to talk about it? Who to say what to? How to navigate and survive in the midst of the chaos?

With infidelity and adultery in a relationship, the relationship is basically immediately destroyed. The parties, must decide whether they want to split or work on getting together after the infidelity crisis and create a new, better and safer relationship.

There are many processes and areas affected. Crisis, sorrow, grief, love, sex, health, economy, trust, forgiveness, reconciliation… Basically there are five stages to go through. First shock, second Reaction, third Healing and fourth Reorientation (Johan Cullberg). Somehow similar to Kübler-Ross.

There is not necessary crisis in sorrow, but there is always sorrow in crisis. So grieving is also a necessary part of infidelity. And like crisis there are four tasks to solve according to Marianne Davidsen-Nielsen. Recognition of the loss, Healing, learning new skills and finally Reorientation.

But there are many more processes than crisis and grief in infidelity and adultery. And they blend and interact. It goes up and down. There are many pitfalls. Both in the beginning, middle and end. If you do not get help by couples therapy it can take years and may never be healed.

Wait 48-72 hours till the immediate shock is over. Then do not hesitate to call on +45 61661900 for professional help to get through and over the infidelity.

Sexologist offers relational sex therapy in Copenhagen and online

The erotic force connects people and holds them together – physically through sex, emotionally through love, mentally through imagination and relational through contact and dialogue.

Sometimes the erotic force is stronger and more intense than other at other times. Sometimes we want, at other times we do not want and at other times we want to want to have sex.

Our sexual identities defines us in many ways and our relation to ourselves, our bodies and the world – individually and as a couple. There are many different ways a couple relate to and express their sexuality.

Sex has for most couples overall six functions: Reproduction, Relation, Respect, Rehabilitation, Recreation and Relaxation.

Often problems with sexuality mirror other relational issues and vice versa. Sexuality plays a symbolic role in the relationship – it is not always easily adapted to the conscious ideals of the couple and therefore a field for the unconscious to emerge.

As a trained sexologist I offer relational sex therapy in Copenhagen with focus on sexual, psychological and social issues.

Couples therapy and relational alcohol treatment in Copenhagen and online

Most alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction is rooted to psychological pain, stemming from relational problems and emotional problems in the past and the present plus unconscious and inadequate behaviour and habits. Many people use alcohol to relieve them from relational and emotional pain and stress – as a sort of numbness medicine. Some also because or under the excuse of wanting to enhance positive emotions or relax and enjoy a little.

Unfortunately alcohol has a lot of reverse and negative effects too. E.g. on sleep, health, psychological well being, relationships and work. To these side effects comes the risk of addiction and hazards. Dysfunctional relations and relationship problems can also lead to or enhance stress, anxiety and depression. Many people with stress, anxiety and depression has used alcohol or are using alcohol, but alcohol can also lead to or enhance stress, anxiety and depression (see below about depression).

Therefore relationship problems, marital problems and family problems can in a high degree lead to or enhance alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction. Also, of course, alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction will lead to relationship problems, marital problems and family problems. Alcohol affects e.g. your mood, temper, sense of reality, mentalisation, communication, problem resolution skills and conflict resolution skills.

In fact it only takes a little alcohol before it affects the quality of your contact, your appearance, behaviour and character. That can be quiet confusing and scary to your partner and children. So you might not yourself have an alcohol problem, but your partner, family, children, friends and employer might. In another way, if just one in the system is suffering, the hole system is suffering. Therefore alcohol treatment must be systemic and relational. Above you find a free alcohol abuse test / alcohol addiction test, if you want to test yourself before you call.

Alcohol addiction is a long slide and you never know when you slide from alcohol abuse to alcohol addiction and functional relationships to dysfunctional relationships. Most of the time it happens very unconsciously and you first realise very sudden and afterwords, that you are abusing or addicted to alcohol.

The same thing goes for your relations. It can take a long time before they suddenly realise the stress and pain, that the alcohol abuse has on them too. Most of the time they also just try to be good and therefore become co-dependant. Adult children of alcoholics can in many ways and degrees be affected by their parents alcohol abuse – and for many years in their lives. Many adult children of alcoholics too have a difficult relationship with alcohol and difficulties in their personal relations and partnerships. has worked with adult children of alcoholics (ACA) and alcohol rehabilitation since 2006 and has experience from Tuba (individual and group psychotherapy to adult children of alcoholics), Blå Kors (alcohol addiction treatment, couples therapy, family therapy and adult children of alcoholics), Lænken (outpatient clinic for substance abuse treatment and addiction counselling, couples therapy, family therapy and adult children of alcoholics), the social psychiatry and own practice.

Loss, sorrow and grief therapy, treatment and counselling in Copenhagen and online in Copenhagen is specialised in relational loss, sorrow and grief – grief therapy, grief treatment and grief counselling. Loss, sorrow and grief is always relational and therefore highly relevant in the couples therapy as well as in the individual psychotherapy. We connect, relate, love and attach to our close relations and loved ones. They become a part of our lives and contributes to our meaning making and identity. Therefore we experience complex loss and sorrow when we lose someone close to us.

We can also experience loss, sorrow and grief when we lose an appreciated pet or an object, something immaterial like a job or a dream and something personal like health or a competence. Loss, sorrow and grief is anyway and always painful, because it is the same centre in the brain that register the pain, weather it is physical pain or the pain we feel at loss and sorrow.

We experience loss, sorrow and grief when we finally loose someone at divorce or death, but we also experience loss, sorrow and grief when our close relations are damaged in the daily life by quarrels, rejection, neglect, alcohol problems, infidelity, adultery etc.

We can also feel anxiety of separation (separation anxiety) and anxiety of a final potentisl loss of a close one. As well as we just can imagine losing a loved one and then experience sorrow and grief. Attachment issues, anxiety, loss, sorrow and grief are therefore serious and important issues in the psychotherapy and the couples therapy as well as in grief therapy, grief treatment and grief counselling.

Love and friendship is what connects us. Sorrow is what we feel when loss separates us. Grief and grieving is the process we go through in order take part, say goodbye, heal up and continue in our new life. It sounds simple.

Though many like Kübler-Ross, have tried to describe the process in a few steps like denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, the process is much more complex than that. Loss, sorrow and grief is often both complex and a taboo. Therefore few of us has acquired the sufficient competence in grieving. At the same time few of us has somebody adequate to talk to, through the whole grief process.

Therefore we need grief therapy, grief treatment and grief counselling – and most often from a specialised psychotherapist with in depth experience with relations and relational therapy like couples therapy.

Couples therapy and relational therapy for stress, anxiety and depression in Copenhagen and online

Challenges in the relationship can lead to conditions of stress, anxiety and depression as well as stress, anxiety and depression can lead to challenges in the relationship. Both situations can be addressed with couples therapy with the leverage of the relationship as a healing component.

People benefit from couples therapy for many different reasons. It may be that the relationship has broken down or that there is anxiety that it might. Sustaining a fulfilling and stable relationship is never easy. Pressures from work, money, children, family tensions and ill health can all contribute to creating problems and these problems can lead to depression and other difficulties for one or both partners.

Couples therapy for depression aims to help couples understand the ways in which the difficulties in their relationship contribute to distress, anxiety and depression in one or sometimes both partners. Often couples find it difficult to talk openly and honestly with each other about these issues. Meeting with a couple therapist can open the way to a much better contact and dialogue which often seems to be the key parts of improving relationships.

Couples therapy has been shown to be of value for those who are suffering from anxiety and depression and it has been used as a treatment for anxiety and depression for many years. It aims to improve relationships by helping couples to identify and then work together on the things that create distress and unhappiness, helping both you and your partner move on from stuck and even hostile patterns of relating. This should lead to a healthier, happier and more fulfilling relationship and to relieve the depression – which in itself often helps to improve the relationship. This positive cycle leads to improve mood, emotional well-being, health and growth.

Depression can affect people in many different ways. Some of the typical symptoms are: Loss of interest and enjoyment in ordinary things. Feeling tired, tearful and irritable. Wanting to be alone/ isolation. Loss of interest in sex and food (or overeating). Sleeping problems. Not being able to focus and concentrate. These symptoms often come with feelings of guilt, worthlessness and low self-esteem, along with loss of confidence and feelings of helplessness. If you think you suffer from depression, you are always advised to contact your medical doctor. The medical doctor can also diagnose the severity of the depression and advice you on e.g. medication.

Imago couples therapy in Copenhagen and online

Imago Relationship Therapy is a form of marriage therapy that takes a dynamic relationship approach rather than a linear individual approach to problem solving in a marriage.

Imago therapy was developed in 1980 in Dallas, Texas by Dr. Harville Hendrix. Imago means your inner unconscious image (stencil) of a relationship, how you act in close relationships and what you are looking for in a partner but aren’t aware of.

I offer both training in the imago dialogue as well as structured programs of imago therapy with seven (or more if you which) core imago exercises, for insight, healing and development.

The purpose of imago therapy is to sensitise and strengthen insight, dialogue, attachment, cooperation and development. To strengthen the relational and emotional ties plus understanding, dissolving and transforming conflicts – in order to turn stumbling stones into stepping stones. To rediscover the unique nature of your partner and yourself as well as to rediscover the love and connectedness. To understand and make peace with old conflicts, your background and damaged or broken relations. To clean up the backpack, so you get in control of unconscious scripts, bad habits and recurring conflicts. To find new opportunities for personal, emotional and relational healing. To retrieve the closeness, the joy and the spark in the relationship.

In short, imagoterapi is about healing, development and prevention in healthy, loving and nurturing relationships. On the following video on What is Imago Therapy on YouTube Hendrix and Hunt give a short introduction to the imago dialogue itself.

Access Bars©, Access Body Process© & Access Consciousness©

Talking therapy can be challenging and some clients / couples needs body therapy instead. Therefore in Copenhagen also offers Access Bars© body therapy. Here you can receive and relax at the same time. Without doing anything, but lying down fully dressed on a massage bench. The process is effortless, nurturing and relaxing like a power nap or meditation.

To initiate the process, the practitioner will start pulling energy through your body. From then on, the whole session will be focused on your head with the practitioner lightly touching various points. After the session some water, salt, sugar and fresh air will be good. Access Bars can be without words or combined with talking therapy. You can have a full session or you can share it as a couple. is certified Acces Bars© Practitioner and Acces Bars© Facilitater and offers treatment, courses and certification. What else is possible? And how does it get even better than that?

Access Bars© is an energetic body process involving gentle touching of 32 points on your head. These points (aka The Bars) store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, feelings, stress and locked up energy in your mind and body. They relate to convictions and limitations in all areas of your life such as earlier life, awareness, healing, age, body, sexuality, connections (relations), communication, kindness, joy, sadness, money, gratitude, time, space, form, structure, control, power, creativity, creations (life forms), hopes, dreams, peace, calm and more.

When you receive a Bars session, it allows the charge on these areas to dissipate, together with the convictions, limitations, stress and worry, giving you the choice to be more aware, generative and to have something different show up in your life. With more ease, joy and glory ©.

Use it on everything! As there are Bars© for every aspect of your life, do you think it’s possible that you could clear limitations in any aspect of your life? Would you like to clear any limitations relating to e.g. your relationship, communication, ageing, body, sex life, joy, hope, dreams and money?

The results are not controllable and depend on what you are ready to change, let go of and receive. But at worst you feel like you have had a great massage or a deep meditation (even if you cannot meditate). At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease.

Having your Bars run can have so many profound effects, including (but not limited to): Reduced stress and worry, Reduced mind chatter, Increased energy, Elimination of aches, pains and stiffness, Improved sleep, Elimination of insomnia, Getting out of anxiety or depression, Help with Autism, ADD & ADHD, Decreased ageing, Improve skin and Help you lose weight or get rid of addictions.

Online therapy on Skype or phone!

Love has no boarders! As a Danish psychotherapist with an international background and speciality in couples therapy I offer psychotherapy and couples therapy at my clinic in central Copenhagen. For many years now, I have also offered online psychotherapy as well as couples therapy by phone and Skype – in various ways and combinations accordingly your individual situation.

My clients varies from e.g. tourists, international students, couples with high travel activity, couples of different nationalities living in Denmark or different countries to expats (expatriates). Over time I had clients from most countries around the globe.

Formerly I worked internationally as a consultant and coach with communication, cooperation, leadership and relations within e.g. technology and IT. The experience with communication technology plus long distance communication and relationships I bring into the field of private relationships and couples therapy. Personally I myself also have experience with long distance relationships, being an expatriate and working within international consultancy and exports.

I am educated gestalt psychotherapist at GI in Copenhagen at European standards of EAGT and EAP with highest final mark. Over some years I also have continuing international training at GATLA, in courses in English with more than 100 therapists from approximately 30 nations. Language wise I offer psychotherapy and couples therapy primarily in Danish and English, but your process can also be supported in French, German, Swedish and Norwegian.

More about family- and couples therapist Kasper Larsen

Familie- og parterapeut tilbyder parterapi på engelsk i København

Therapeutic experience

I am Danish, from 1966 and have practiced in Copenhagen since 2002. I have a psychotherapeutic and relevant professional background. As a psychotherapist, coach and mentor I have experience with alcohol treatment plus complex relationships and progressive development with groups, families, couples and individuals incl. children and adolescents. As a process consultant, I have experience in leadership and facilitation of change, teams, communication and problem solving. I also have an international background and experience in cross national relationships. The therapy can be carried out in Danish and English. And supported by German, French and øresund’sk. (Swedish and Norwegian).

Therapeutic education

Cert. Master in family and couples therapy, HEG. Supplementary training as a sexologist. International training in couples therapy, Basic and Advanced Level, Resnick, GATLA. Couples therapy based on a gestalt therapeutic and phenomenological basis, Hanne Hostrup. Advanced Relationships and transformation, Russ Hudson, The Enneagram Institute. Family counselling, Jesper Juul, Kempler Instituttet. Trained in family constellations after the Bert Helinger method, Soulwork. Couples and Family therapy in connection with alcohol dependence and codepence, Blue Cross. Exam. Psychotherapist MGF with highest mark, from GI a European (EAP and EAGT) accredited institute. Gestalt psychotherapy and supervision, Clinical Practicum Level, Resnick, GATLA. International certified NLP Master in coaching and certified elite coach by Bob Proctor. Pedagogic/teaching. Courses, workshops and lectures in family therapy, couples therapy and sex therapy. Continuous training, personal therapy and supervision. Certified in DiSC Personal Profile, the Enneagram etc. MBA, acad.econ and diplomacy in lean and project management. Member of SFP, GF, JFFEPT og DSF.

Therapeutic specialisation

Couples therapy (imago therapy, couples coaching, couples counseling, relate counseling, relationship counseling, marriage checkup, marriage counselling, marriage therapy…). International relationships, communication, relate issues, sexuality, infidelity (unfaithfulness, cheating, extramarital sex, adultery…), alcohol / substance abuse, crises and development. I have experience with couples in the early 20s to the late 60s. Couples with and without children. Couples with anomalies or problems in connection with alcohol (dependence and codependence). Couples where one or both parties come from more or less dysfunctional homes e.g. homes with substance abuse or sickness (aca / adult children of alcoholics).

Therapeutic method

The method is predominantly gestalt, cognitive (CBT) and imago / imagio. It is also inspired by NLP, transactional analysis (TA), assertiveness trainingsystemic and 
narrative therapy. The work is based on existentialismphenomenology and mentalisation (MBT). The style is warm, friendly and effortless plus varies between being supportive, guiding, confrontational and integrative.

Therapeutic tools

The aim is primarily to help the couple to develop their own tools and some of the existing practical tools that inspire many couples to save marriage and to develop their relationship are:

Gary D. Chapman‘s The 5 Love Languages:

What makes most people feel loved and appreciated?
Words of affirmation, Acts of service, Receiving gifts, Quality time and Physical touch.

John Gottman’s The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (divorce predictors):
What makes for a satisfying marriage and what are the divorce predictors?
Criticism, Defensiveness, Contempt and Stonewalling.
John Gottman’s The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work:
Enhancing love maps, Nurturing fondness and admiration, Turning toward each other, Accepting influence, Solving solvable problems, Overcoming gridlock and Creating shared meaning.

Couples therapeutic vision and goal

I am driven by seeing, when people find themselves and create the life they want. I am fascinated by the experience, when people develop through their challenge, illness and crisis and when they acquire the skills necessary to achieve their dreams. I am enthused when people find self-love in coping. I am delighted to learn how people develop their relationships and flourishing in these. I moved, when people in their relations express their love and let it flow. My goal is, together with my clients to create the best therapy and to help them to develop their own tools in situations where there are no answers.

Psychotherapy in Copenhagen by a Danish psychotherapist

As an EAP and EAGT examined psychotherapist I also offer individual psychotherapy in my private practice in Copenhagen or on Skype. As an experienced psychotherapist I offer individual psychotherapy primarily in English and Danish, but the psychotherapy is also supported in Swedish, Norwegian, German and French.

Expertise in couples therapy

Areas of work within family- and couples therapy
  • International relations, travelling partners and expatriates
  • Couples with or without children
  • Communication, negotiation and problem resolution
  • Feelings, emotional expression, language and dialog
  • Love, cohesion, closeness, intimacy, sexuality, spark and lust
  • Contact, borders and respect
  • Differences, personal profiles and personal development
  • Phenomenology of the relationship, patterns, roles, games and systems
  • Hurtness, guilt, shame and taboos
  • Infidelity, adultery, trust and mistrust, jealousy, anger and grief
  • Fear, bitterness, resentment, forgiveness and reconciliation
  • Work-life balance, stress, depression (light to medium) and anxiety
  • Conflicts, crisis, existentialism, death and anomalies
  • Relational disorders and relationship competencies
  • Social and psychological challenges around and during pregnancy
  • Hash, alcohol, dependence, codependency and adult children of alcoholics
  • Family, structure, system and interaction
  • Interference of family members or others
  • COLA, LAT, separate living separation and divorce
  • Premarital counseling, save marriage, reunion-therapy and goodbye-therapy
  • Singles with heartaches or seeking new partner
  • John Gottman’s The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
  • John Gottman’s The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
  • Gary D. Chapman The 5 Love Languages
  • NVC – Compassionate / Collaborative / Nonviolent Communication (jackal/giraffe-language)

Quotes about change, love and couples therapy

Happiness is love. Full stop.
Warmth of relationships throughout life have the greatest positive impact on ‘life satisfaction’.
George Vaillant; The Grant Study of Adult Development at Harvard Medical School.

The greatest gift you can give to somebody
is your own personal development.

I used to say, ‘If you will take care of me, I will take care of you’.
Now I say, ‘I will take care of me for you, if you will take care of you for me’.
Jim Rohn

Don’t make a permanent decision
for your temporary emotion!

You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or their fancy car,
but because they sing a song only you can hear.
Oscar Wilde

Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way,
ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.
Deepak Chopra

What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is,
in the end, of little consequence.

The only consequence is what (and how) we do.
John Ruskin

You cannot be influential in your relationship
unless you also accept influence from your partner.
John Gottman

Piglet: How do you spell love?
Pooh: You don’t spell it, you feel it.

RelationSHIPs sink,
when there are too many passangers!

Forgiveness is the best form of love.

It takes a strong person to say they’re sorry
and an even stronger person to forgive.

The first duty of love is to listen.
Paul Tillich

Everything that irritates us about others
can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
Carl Jung

If you are still looking for that one person that can change your life.
Take a look in the mirror.
Roman Price

The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves,
and not to twist them to fit our own image.
Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.
Thomas Merton

Be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi

Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden.
Time, effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly
to keep any relationship flourishing and growing.
Jim Rohn

Love in the past is only a memory.
Love in the future is only a fantasy.
True love just lives in the here and now.

One’s not half of two;
two are halves of one.
E.E. Cummings

A broken heart isn’t really broken.
It is struggling to grow larger than its pain.
Liz Rosenberg

Sometimes you just have got to accept
that some people can only be in your heart,
but not in your life.

The goal of effective communication should be for listeners to say,
‘Me, too!’ versus ‘So what?’.
Jim Rohn

You cannot be lonely
if you like the person you are alone with.
Dr. Wayne Dyer

Give the ones you love wings to fly,
roots to come back, and reasons to stay.
Dalai Lama

Burnout is not simply a symptom of working too hard. It is also the body and mind crying out for an essential human need: a space free from the incessant demands and expectations of the world. In the consulting room, there are no targets to be hit, no achievements to be crossed off. The amelioration of burnout begins in finding your own pool of tranquillity where you can cool off.
Professor Josh Cohen

Teacher will appear when the student is ready.
Buddha / Unknown

The cure ought to grow naturally out of the patient himself.
C.G. Jung

International couples therapy and psychotherapy by Kasper Larsen at

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  • Infidelity & adultery
    Infidelity is one of the worst crisis in a relationship. It basically calls for problem solving, healing and redesign of the relationship. It can actually get much better than it was. Get help to get over the infidelity. Afterwards you can decide to stay together or get help for a separation. Contact for help.

  • Sorrow & grief
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  • Stress, anxiety & depression
    Inside we all have something to carry and work on. From our family background or from what happens in life. At least 20% are affected by psychological problems like e.g. stress, anxiety or depression. It can both stem from and affects the relationship. In a relationship the probability doubles. Not to speak of a family of five. Get relational psychological and relational treatment in form of family therapy, couples therapy or individual psychotherapy by

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    Copenhagen, online and worldwide.
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