Alcohol problems in the relationship & family

Couples therapy & alcohol treatment for relational alcohol problems

Couples therapy for alcohol problems in the relationship

Alcohol problems are one of the biggest causes of relationship problems

Alcohol is the single biggest cause of relationship problems, arguments, violence, accidents, infidelity and divorce. Alcohol is not always a problem for the drinker. But that’s it for the relatives. Fortunately, relationship problems and alcohol problems are best treated together and through relational psychological treatment in the form of couples therapy. It is rare that it is the alcohol that is the problem and it is more about finding the solution. The solution is often found in the dialogue and the relationship. Together you can do what you could not do alone. Hence couples therapy. With a background as an alcohol therapist, psychotherapist and couples therapist, has solid experience in treating relationship problems, sexual problems, infidelity, alcohol problems, addiction, co-dependency and adult-children of alcoholics. Alcohol is part of our culture, but for many, alcohol and alcohol problems are a taboo. At the very least, alcohol is something that is hard to talk about in a good way. The fact is that alcohol problems affect your relationship negatively. And for many, talking about it at home and on your own only makes it worse. Hence couples therapy. It’s hard to see, but it doesn’t actually take much alcohol before it creates uncertainty and changes our character. It goes beyond the contact, the atmosphere, the security and the relationship in the couple and the family. Even with very little alcohol in the blood, accidents, injuries, anxiety, uncertainty, misunderstandings, boundary crossings, infidelity, frustration and arguments can occur. In addition to the fact that alcohol is far more harmful to health than you think. Alcohol can then lead to a worsening of a wide range of physical and psychological problems and diseases. Including stress, anxiety and depression. The alcohol consumption can also be derived from the psychological problems. There is often a connection between alcohol abuse and, for example, stress, anxiety, depression, grief, pain, illness and trauma. Alcohol can feel relaxing, but alcohol stresses both the relationship, the physique, the psyche and the night’s sleep. Just a few items reduce recovery during the night’s sleep by the equivalent of two hours. in Copenhagen offers individual psychotherapy, family and couple therapy for alcohol problems. You can come alone. But it is a great help and an advantage for the relationship if your partner participates. If the family and children are affected, there is also the possibility of  family therapy and therapy for adult-children of alcoholics . Also read more about  adultery and sexuality if your sex life has been damaged.

Couples therapy can be a solution if there is too much alcohol in the relationship

Every fifth Copenhagener drinks too much.

Are there alcohol problems in your relationship? Is your or your partner’s alcohol consumption problematic? Or do you both drink too much?

In principle, it is not about how much is drunk. It’s more a question of whether it’s a problem? meets clients with relational alcohol problems on a daily basis.

Some enjoy themselves too much with alcohol. Others soothe relationship problems and pain or loneliness and boredom with alcohol. Some medicate themselves in relation to e.g. stress, anxiety, depression or grief .

However, very few have become alcoholics. But there are surprisingly few who actually know how much they drink and how little it takes for it to pose a risk to themselves or a problem for their relatives.

Becoming addicted to alcohol is a smooth transition. So for many it is good to keep a close eye on consumption and consequences. Alcohol is both a stimulant and a solvent.

You decide how much you want to drink. If you are in doubt as to whether you drink too much, you can also find a free alcohol test in the menu under Relationship test.

Couples therapy and relationship-oriented alcohol treatment

Too much alcohol creates a negative spiral that affects the partner, the family and the children.

At the same time, there is a risk of consequential damage, addiction and inappropriate patterns in relationships.

It is usually not the alcohol, or the drinker, that is the focus of couples therapy.

Couples therapy for alcohol problems is not about appointing scapegoats. It is uncertainty, anxiety, pain, sadness, frustration and anger as well as loneliness, longing, love and dialogue that are in focus. And it is the relationship that is being treated.

In couples therapy, the alcohol problems are secondary, even though it may be the alcohol that is being talked about. It is about the relationship, the system, the dynamics and the process.

The old wounds, the current problems and the unfulfilled dreams are the primary thing. It is about love and contact as well as good communication and effective problem solving.

Love is the carrying and healing force. The contact is the bridge over which communication runs and communication is the basis for effective problem solving. helps you to gradually talk out and resolve the problems. At the same time as your wounds and relationship heal and the pain decreases.

Over time, you learn to be authentically present, communicate assertively and solve problems in contact with those you love. Without losing yourselves or offending each other.

It is about trust, openness, tenderness and honesty. It’s rarely what we say that kills us. It is more often what we don’t say that creates the problems in the relationship.

It is important that the couple is included in the treatment, as it as a system supports and promotes the process at the same time that obstacles, pitfalls and the unsaid can be picked up.

Alcohol is the single biggest cause of divorce

In relation to alcohol problems and relationship problems, alcohol cf. the grant study the single biggest cause of divorce.

In addition, it is estimated that for each alcohol abuser there are approx. four people who are negatively affected psychologically and socially by alcohol abuse – partner, children, family, close friends, etc

It is not entirely clear whether it is the relationship problems or the alcohol problems that come first. But alcohol problems always lead to problems in the relationship.

Alcohol problems and relationship problems are closer to the norm than the deviation. And many times the alcohol problems and relationship problems bite each other in the tail.

Fortunately, it is thus that relationship problems and alcohol problems are best treated together and through relational psychological treatment, such as couples therapy.

This is how a therapeutic process around alcohol, couples & relationships takes place

A therapeutic process for couples therapy for alcohol problems in the relationship takes place as follows:

  • Start with a consultation – come alone or bring your partner for the same price
  • Continue with a clip card with five clips – get commitment and discount
  • Top up for free along the way with Access Bars – get two treatments for one price
  • Stop here or continue with preventive and developmental therapy and treatment

Depending on the need and the specific situation, a course can be supplemented with maintaining, developing and preventive  imagotherapy  and  access bars .

It can also be combined with psychotherapy, yoga therapy, treatment of stress, anxiety, depression and grief, therapy for adult-child of alcoholics and family therapy.

Since many couples with alcohol problems also have challenges with closeness and intimacy or infidelity, there is also the option of supplementing with sexological talk therapy.

Alcohol & personality disorders

There is a certain connection between alcohol, upbringing and personality disorders.

According to developmental psychological theories, the risk of developing a personality disorder is greatest if you have not received the right care early on. It is at that time that as a child you have to learn to cope without the deep dependence on the parents.

If development goes awry in this phase, one does not sufficiently learn to be separate from others. Therefore, many continue to form relationships with other people, such as are symbiotic, withdrawn or disturbed.

It is one of several reasons why one can develop an emotionally unstable personality disorder (impulsive type or borderline type).

If someone in your family has an emotionally unstable personality disorder or suffers from depression, you have a greater risk of developing a personality disorder yourself.

Another explanation could be that you had an unstable childhood, where your parents e.g. have been drinking or that for other reasons you have been left to fend for yourself.

You may also have been exposed to physical or sexual abuse.

With a personality disorder, you also have a greater risk of developing addictions, alcohol abuse or depression yourself over time. Regardless of diagnosis or not and degree of severity, it is important that one takes these issues seriously and seeks psychological prevention or treatment.

In Denmark, it is everyone’s freedom to drink as much as they want and alcohol is an essential part of our culture and paradigms in society, the family and the relationship.

It is also common to use alcohol in the family and the relationship when we need to de-stress, have fun and party. As well as at traditions and holidays.

Alcohol can also be used to soothe pain and problems from the family and the relationship. Just as alcohol can cause or intensify problems and pain in the family and the relationship.

There is a lot of talk about alcohol, but relational alcohol problems are typically a taboo. It’s a shame, but it’s not a shame to have a problem. It’s a shame not to do something about it. Regardless of whether the starting point is the relationship or the alcohol.

Our paradigms, relationship paradigms and alcohol paradigms are part of the unconscious mind.

Since it is therefore difficult to figure out, talk about, prevent and treat these problems themselves, many seek help from a couples therapist with experience in the mind, relationships and alcohol problems – to loosen up and to move on.

Some habits such as alcohol habits and alcohol addiction can really be firmly rooted and deeply rooted in the paradigms – the mind. It may therefore require a mind-shift and reprogramming of the specific paradigms. Read more about it under mindset coaching .

Statistically speaking, a lot of alcohol is drunk in Denmark, and since for many there is a connection between their relationship problems and alcohol consumption, meets clients with relational alcohol problems on a daily basis.

However, very few people have become alcoholics, but surprisingly few actually know how much they drink and how little it takes for it to pose a risk to themselves or a problem for their relatives.

Relational problems in themselves cause stress and pain. Emotional pain can i.a. arise in connection with criticism, infringement, failure and loss as well as feelings such as:

  • incorrectness
  • inadequacy
  • helplessness
  • abandonment
  • loneliness
  • grief
  • fault
  • shame
  • jealousy
  • anger

Family and relationship problems can lead to increased alcohol consumption. Likewise, alcohol consumption can create and maintain relational problems.

As it often happens gradually and unconsciously, it unfortunately takes a long time before the problems are recognised, expressed and dealt with. But it’s never too late to seek therapy.

According to Dr. Gabor Maté is all drugs of abuse, whether opiates, cocaine, hashish or alcohol – painkillers.

Alcohol and the behavior that consumption entails can therefore be equated with painkillers and drinking can be equated with self-medication.

The pain we try to medicate ourselves against can be physical as well as psychological, relational and attachment-related.

There is no difference.The pain is experienced in the same part of the brain.So when we feel emotional and relational pain, the same parts of the brain as in physical pain will be activated.

Some of the types of pain we regularly encounter in family and relationship contexts are when we feel hurt, alone, rejected, isolated and without support, compassion and love.

It also includes the situations where we suffer loss and deprivation. As well as when we don’t feel seen, heard, recognized and accepted. Often difficult emotions such as guilt, shame, sadness and anger are involved. Alcohol and anger in particular go hand in hand.

The pain can come from boundary violations, old wounds and attachment traumas. New pain as well as reactivated pain (re-traumatization) – past emotional wounds that are scratched open and old behavioral patterns that are reactivated.

It explains the pain, sorrow and anger, as well as joy and healing, that the relationship and the family can be a source of.

Family therapy and couple therapy provide opportunities for responsiveness, openness, clarification and recognition as well as problem solving, healing, development, change, growth and joy.

When the underlying causes are removed, the underlying causes of alcohol consumption disappear. As the consumption decreases, the new relationships and the new life can be created with the support of the therapist.

Alcohol is an effective solution, while at the same time alcohol has the special property of making us indifferent for a while.

In this way, everyday life and problems come at a distance. The problem is simply that alcohol has many and serious side effects, while solving problems with alcohol often backfires.

Alcohol is an addictive and chemical solvent.

One claim is that alcohol is the world’s strongest solvent when you look at it in an overall perspective.

In addition to the fact that alcohol can dissolve our body and health. Then alcohol can dissolve relationships, work, finances, house, home, family, children and friendships.

When we become indifferent and drugged by alcohol, risk-taking and risk also increase. Therefore, alcohol is often seen in connection with accidents and adultery.

Therefore, it is better to process the problems psychotherapeutically through family and couple therapy than to soothe the pain with alcohol and other drugs as well as food, sweets, tobacco, medicine, games, the Internet, sports, work, sex and adultery.

There is a certain connection between alcohol, upbringing and personality disorders.

According to developmental psychological theories, the risk of developing a personality disorder is greatest if you have not received the right care early on. It is at that time that as a child you have to learn to cope without the deep dependence on the parents.

If development goes awry in this phase, one does not sufficiently learn to be separate from others. Therefore, many continue to form relationships with other people, such as are symbiotic, withdrawn or disturbed.

It is one of several reasons why one can develop an emotionally unstable personality disorder (impulsive type or borderline type).

If someone in your family has an emotionally unstable personality disorder or suffers from depression, you have a greater risk of developing a personality disorder yourself.

Another explanation could be that you had an unstable childhood, where your parents e.g. have been drinking or that for other reasons you have been left to fend for yourself.

You may also have been exposed to physical or sexual abuse.

With a personality disorder, you also have a greater risk of developing addictions, alcohol abuse or depression yourself over time.

Regardless of diagnosis (or not) and degree of severity, it is important that you take these issues seriously and seek psychological treatment and prevention .

For some, the alcohol takes up more than the relational problems and sometimes a psychological or physical addiction may also have arisen.

Here, draws on many years of experience as a professional alcohol therapist and treats adult-children of alcoholics from, among others, Blue Cross, Tuba, the Chain and social psychiatry.

Alcohol is also seen in connection with stress, anxiety and depression.

In that case, supplementary individual interviews can be offered – lifestyle interviews, psychotherapy or actual alcohol treatment.

You therefore do not need to go from therapist to therapist, but can find the entire solution at Whether it is actual alcohol treatment, individual psychotherapy, couples therapy or family therapy that is needed. in Copenhagen offers as Access Bars Facilitator and Access Body Process Facilitator also Access Bars and various Access Body Processes. It both heals, loosens and opens up for both parties. It can take the edge off the crisis and create a basis for a more fruitful dialogue. Completely unique, Access Bars are extremely stress-relieving at the same time that they can curb the urge to drink. You can get Access Bars together with general. talk therapy. Alone or with your partner. So two treatments in one and for the same price. In time, I can also  certify you yourself in Access Bars. Then you become your own therapist. in Copenhagen offers as an examined RYT 200 Yoga Teacher in India both yoga, couple yoga, yoga therapy, meditation, nidra and pranayama.

Yoga and meditation are both healthy for the body, psyche and mind.

Yoga has many positive properties in addition to helping to get down in the body, relieve stress, create balance, flow and self-regulation.

With yoga, you can thus, alone or together with your partner, achieve well-being and reduce psychological pain and the urge to drink.

You can have yoga separately, with your partner and as part of the therapy.

Image therapy Many times the alcohol problems relate to background, family, upbringing and habits. This is especially true if you grew up in a family with a lot of alcohol consumption, or are an adult child of alcoholics yourself. Many times the adult children of alcoholics find themselves together with a partner with inappropriate alcohol consumption. All these conditions can worsen the situation or reinforce the dysfunction in the relationship and the adult family. In those cases, it is good and effective to clean up with imagotherapy . If you both do it together, you get it for the same price. So two for one. For most, it is both a beautiful and rewarding development journey that also strengthens communication, relationships, closeness and love.
If you are in doubt about the status of your relationship, take the temperature with the free relationship test. If you are in doubt as to whether you drink too much or in an inappropriate way, take the free alcohol test. The simple answer is, however, regardless of how much is drunk, if someone in the relationship or family is insecure, bothered or suffers from alcohol consumption, then there is a problem and someone is suffering. And if there is someone who suffers in the relationship and the family, then in principle it is everyone who suffers. You will find tests and tools in the menu and by clicking here .