This coaching concept is an internationally recognized course and coaching program for individual clients and couples. It is also used professionally in teams, companies and by the self-employed. It can be completed individually and you can take the journey together with your partner.
Do you want a life change? Are you looking for a paradigm shift and results? Or a quantum leap? Do you need a turnaround or a reboot? Personal, academic, professional or relational? Career change or independent?
Do you want to find yourself, your purpose and meaning in life? Are you interested in better understanding the universe and the laws of the universe? To understand how it, the mind and your paradigms create you, your life and your relationships? How you can reprogram your paradigms and achieve excellent results with ease?
1. You/You are stuck or have developed unconscious thought, communication and behavior patterns that control your life, habits and results in a limiting, unwanted and perhaps unhealthy way. You may have stalled, drifted apart or suffered a midlife crisis. It can perhaps be felt in the self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence and results. Job, finances, housing, holidays… It has typically gone on for several years and affected more areas of life than the relationship. You are tired of being tired of it. Now something has to happen. Preferably something big, radical, drastic, different and fast.
2. You/You have never really found yourself, your purpose or goals in life and the relationship. You are passionate about finding common new goals and living out your full potential and dreams. Something to be together about and to be passionate about. To get on the right page or the same page of the book and create a team. To create something together or with those around you. To achieve better results with greater ease. Personal, professional and who knows… spiritual development.
3. A combination of #1 and #2 at the same time that you are prepared to invest in yourselves, the future and a professional and determined elite coaching program. Knowledge, tools and a process that shows you how, with the right mindset, you can achieve ambitious goals, manifest exponential results, create lasting change and a new reality – with ease, joy and glory. For yourselves and your children. On a level that is only limited by the imagination. What else is possible?
Of course, elite coaching is by no means free. But if you can tell what you want, then the program can show you how to manifest it. That and your efforts create Return On Investment (ROI). Below you can read about the program and if you are interested, you are welcome to call and book a free laser coaching session around your/your goals. Then we can see if there is a match in relation to the coaching program. You can click here to read more about the Thinking Into Results programme. How does it get any better than that?
An accident rarely comes alone. Has it all gone haywire? Is it not just the relationship and the family, but perhaps also the career, finances, home, private life, social life, health, psyche and spirituality that have been neglected?
Are you stuck, have you stalled or ended up in a mid-life crisis? Stress, anxiety or depression? Many wake up in the middle of it all, due to a layoff, crisis, infidelity, alcohol problems or when the children move away from home. Then they realize that they are not happy and that they have never found themselves or their purpose in life. They lack vision, goals and meaning. It may also lag behind with education, professional or personal development.
Others recognize that they are stuck in their old paradigms. That they are controlled by their unconscious mental programs. That it is impossible to break their old habits, ingrained patterns, family traditions and maps of reality. Like a glass ceiling, cheese bell or bad dream. For example, it can also be an ingrained thought-feeling-behaviour pattern that results in resignation, abuse or something else.
In principle, we are all born equal. The difference between the one, the two and the three on the victory stool is all mind. Our mindset and paradigms. That which creates our perceptions, thoughts, feelings, energy, behavior and results. 95% of our mind, behavior and results are unfortunately unconscious and out of control. Our biggest challenge is thus ourselves and our minds. If you don’t learn to control your mind, it will control your life. Or as Jung said – until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it destiny! Do you want to learn how to design your life or do you want to live according to destiny? Would you like to learn how to control your mind, reprogram your paradigms and create the life you once dreamed of but gave up on? And would you like to discover what lies beyond that horizon? Release your full potential and realize the possibilities behind the possibilities?
Others get a wake-up call and want to travel, move abroad, change careers, become successful, realize themselves, become self-employed, earn money, get a better home, secure their pension, their children and grandchildren, realize their dreams and reach their goals… before it’s all too late. Do you want to dream the life you want to live or live the life you dream of with more ease, joy and glory?
Some dream of making their dream come true. Dreaming of realizing a hobby or turning their hobby into a career. A house, a holiday apartment abroad or a boat and sailing around the world. To leave a footprint. To contribute. To create something. To be and to create something bigger together with their partner. Something that makes sense in a larger perspective than just work, holiday and pension.
To learn something new. Learning to understand themselves, the universe and the universe’s mechanics, laws and possibilities. Expand their minds and horizons. Perhaps finding and developing their spirituality. To find their soul, to come home and to realize how they are part of something bigger and to create meaning in life.
The soul and the universe are in constant development. Everything that doesn’t grow dies. Despite Jantelov, complacent mediocrity, glass ceilings and paradigms, our heart, soul and psyche are always for development – expansion and expression. But our dreams and ideas are often beaten down with paradigms and comments that it is too crazy, expensive, wild, hard, illogical, impossible, risky and perhaps dangerous. Even from those who love us the most – our closest ones. But think again? In 1903, we went from splitting some bicycles together and flying on them to sending a man to the moon just 66 years later. Edison had virtually no education and replaced the oil lamp with the light bulb. More joined and this program is based on their scientific, psychological, mental and universal knowledge. Just think, Sir Edmund Hillary climbed Mount Everest without knowing how. Common to all was their mindset. Should your mindset limit you and your future? Live by destiny or design? One day or day one?
At some point, a major mental paradigm and value shift takes place in our lives. Many call it a midlife crisis. We can have more of them. They can come suddenly and unexpectedly. But many can almost be predicted.
Midlife crises typically occur around the age of 35-65 and around major transitions in life. They can occur naturally by themselves or be triggered by major life events. It might not be you. Right now. But your partner? Fully or partially?
It can go beyond work and finances and be hard on both the couple and the family. And it can remind you of depression, burnout… but it isn’t, necessarily. Therefore, medication or depression treatment does not help either. Alcohol, lover(inside), flat screen or sports car don’t help either. But coaching, skills and reorientation can.
Mid-life crises are often seen in connection with crisis, accident, loss and challenges with career, finances, family, children, health, alcohol, infidelity… But mid-life crises are also seen after completed goal realization, success and peaks. It can feel just as empty, lonely and helpless at the top as at the bottom. How to proceed from there? And where to go?
In other words, it can feel like you’ve hit rock bottom or perhaps you’ve peaked. Missed, survived or outlived itself. Then many wake up! What now? What is the meaning of me? What am I going to do with my life now? It can be especially difficult if you have never really learned to feel yourself and your heart and to set valuable and meaningful goals based on the soul. But simply living according to the paradigms and traditions. Society’s norms. Comme il faut. Without knowing what personal footprint you want to leave.
In the midlife crisis, people suddenly find that they have not been themselves or lived their own lives. That they have been guided by the imago of society, family and parents. Their blueprint, mindset, subconscious and paradigms. Paradigms that were often not theirs, something they themselves wanted or something that was rooted in their own heart.
Now they get the opportunity to find themselves and calibrate the compass with, for example, an elite coaching program. Because it rarely happens by itself. Because the paradigms work like a thermostat and they will quickly talk us into place – back to the familiar, safe and mediocre. And for the paradigms, mediocrity and pain are preferable to any change.
As a concept, midlife crisis goes all the way back to Jung and there has since been research into the concept, which shows a value and paradigm shift that is so radical that it creates a life crisis. What we are saying is that the map of reality and the skills we previously had is not sufficient for the current new situation. Below you will find a unique and overall summary of what various studies show.
For men, a wake-up call and a shift occurs:
From: 1. Finance and wealth, 2. Adventure and conquering the world, 3. Creation, achievement and results, 4. Pleasure and 5. Respect.
For: 1. Spirituality, 2. Personal peace, 3. Family, 4. Purpose in life and 5. Honesty and living in harmony with oneself and one’s feelings.
For women, a wake-up call and a shift occurs:
From: 1. Family, good mother and daughter, 2. The desire to feel independence, 3. Career, 4. Having to fit in and live by a standard, 5. Being attractive, looking good and being nice .
For: 1. Personal development and growth, 2. Self-esteem, 3. Spirituality, 4. Joy and fun, and 5. Forgiveness and reconciliation.
Midlife crisis is not yet a real diagnosis. Therefore, tools other than traditional psychotherapy are also needed.
Midlife crises require a special form of mindshift coaching where you work with the mind, the subconscious and the paradigms. A form of forward-looking, reconstructive coaching that is out of the ordinary.
If you are familiar with any of the above and want to make a life change or perhaps a quantum leap, then it is relevant to consider the coaching concept you are reading about on this page. And this coaching concept goes back four generations and is based on studies of the valuable experience of thousands of people around the globe.
If we don’t take our wake-up call or manage to get through our midlife crisis, succeed in restructuring our lives or otherwise create the life we want, various international studies show that on our deathbed we regret:
1. that we have not truly lived in accordance with ourselves,
2. that we have worked too much and too hard,
3. that we were not in touch with ourselves and expressed our feelings,
4. that we were too little in contact with our family and loved ones and
5. that we did not allow ourselves to be happy.
No matter how hard we fight against it, our paradigms will 95% likely pull us in the direction of the above.
There is only one option and that is to work with the mind and subconscious and reprogram our paradigms.
Here, again, at the age of +50 and having myself gone through several midlife crises as well as many educations, etc., I have to admit that none of the psychotherapeutic training courses and tools, etc. are enough. And I have calculated a minimum of DKK 5.5 million. self-paid education in addition to the education system. The only thing that I have really seen work for my clients and myself is this elite coaching program that you are just now reading about on this page.
The choice is yours. Read and call. As above, you would like a free, non-binding, introductory and clarifying coaching session. We both have to think that there is a match before a possible one. commitment.
Part of what is holding you back is the fear derived from your paradigms.
We are talking here about the basic fear and what it does to the way it wants to live – or avoids living.
There are generally six types of paradigm-derived fears that prevent us from living fully, creating the life we really want and being who we are:
1. Poverty – therefore we become indifferent to money and unambitious.
2. Criticism – therefore we hold back and avoid initiative.
3. Poor health – therefore we focus on and invent symptoms as an alibi for laziness.
4. Loss of love – therefore we become jealous, inferior, unappealing and unlovable … or exaggerate with the opposite sign … clingy and possessive.
5. Old age – therefore we limit ourselves, take no chances and put our light under a bushel.
6. Death – that’s why we simply avoid living.
Fear, paradigms and limiting beliefs are something we must learn to overcome if we want to get out of our mire and/or be successful. It requires you to become master of your mind and learn to master and break through the fear wall – the terror barrier.
If not, it has a high price and big cost. I can honestly admit that myself. But if you break the wall of fear, your universe will be unlimited – become a master of your fate and captain of your soul.. It’s about awareness, skills and calculated risks. Not arrogance or stupidity.
Permanent change and quantum leaps – change that transcends temporary small incremental advances – always require a paradigm shift. A mind shift. From top to bottom. From the inside out. A special method and process around a reprogramming of the mind and how you/you manifest what you/you really want.
Strategy is only 5%. Mindset is 95%. It is our mind that accounts for 95% of our habitual behavior and results. You will, of course, with great effort with your 5% awareness and convulsive retention, be able to create an external, behavioral and temporary change. But as soon as you get tired or disturbed by your surroundings, senses and old paradigms, you will lose control and fall back.
We see it again and again. It’s not enough to buy a gym membership or new running shoes. Nor can we run from the truth with alcohol, sugar or porn. Promise the boss better results. Reassure the partner that we will probably get together. We all know it. Hunger, deprivation or pain with lean programs, smoking or drinking cessation. Only to resume the habits three months later. The paradigms always decide.
A permanent and more effortless change will always require a change in what controls your thoughts, behavior and habits – the mind and the paradigms. Thus you also create more lightness, joy and glory in your life. As a special certified coach, I offer a three-month intensive course in elite coaching aimed at life restructuring and quantum leaps. Read more below about how to create a paradigm shift, mindshift, permanent change, quantum leap and success.
Now you have read!
Does that sound interesting? Do you think you and your goals are worth the effort and investment? I know the program and know what it can do. If you use it, you will be able to achieve your goals. What will you?
Call and book a free coaching session if you want to hear more about this. Here we will briefly talk about and work with your situation, challenge and pain as well as dream, wish and goal. Then we can see if there is a match. Whether you are ready to commit to your change goals and whether they are in proportion to your investment.
The prerequisite for a course is that you are willing to invest in yourself and your future. That you commit to a 12-week course. And to work on your development and change for an hour a day. However, it can be broken down into three times twenty minutes a day, but the results are in proportion to your efforts.
This conversation alone will change your life!
Call 61661900 and tell us briefly about your situation and hear about your options.
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