Forgiveness and apology / Relationships / Couples therapy

Apologize in 5 languages To be able to apologize, forgive, repair and reconcile The strongest poison to the human spiritis the inability to forgive oneself or another person.Caroline Myss. Some of the most important qualities in a good relationship are being able to forgive, repair communication and the relationship, and move on. If bitterness, grudges and […]

Successful couple relationships / Couples therapy

What is needed to create success in the relationship Many people ask me what it takes to create a good relationship, how can you make the relationship better or what can you do to save and rebuild it. Unfortunately, there is no simple standard solution to this. If you could make such a solution, it would probably […]

Listening / Communication / Relationships / Couples therapy / Couples therapist

A difficult thing and a few initial practical advice The first duty of love is to listen.Paul Tillich. Listening can be a difficult task. Some talk so much that the partner doesn’t get a chance to say anything and others only listen to what they are thinking. Some are in a completely different place, in the future, […]

Communication, language model, couple relationships and couple therapy

It’s about relationships… the relationship is your teacher © Blog with inspiration for relationships and marriage – learn more about the psychology of relationships. The blog deals with relationships, cohabitation, love, sex life, relationships, couples therapy and family therapy. The blog regularly publishes free articles, news, tools and tips etc. Get more frequent and smaller updates […]

Communication, language use, relationships and couple therapy

Psychological communication > Use of language > 5 tips for wording Free toolbox for communication in the relationship and in couples therapy Below are five practical and effective tips for communication in the relationship. The five tools can be used both in your couples therapy at and in your own process at home. This toolkit is […]

Communication, effect, relationship and couple therapy

It’s about relationships… the relationship is your teacher © Blog with inspiration for relationships and marriage – learn more about the psychology of relationships. The blog deals with relationships, cohabitation, love, sex life, relationships, couples therapy and family therapy. The blog regularly publishes free articles, news, tools and tips etc. Get more frequent and smaller updates […]