Development or divorce / Couples therapy
Problems in the relationship There has been a busy period in the couples therapy practice and therefore it has been a while since I have had time to write on the blog. However, there are more articles and news in the queue that I look forward to sharing with you. Relationship in crisis There have, among […]
Online family & relationship / couple therapy / family therapy
What does the Internet mean for the relationship and the family? More and more people ask me as a family and couple therapist about the influence of the internet on privacy. What is normal and not as well as what is the solution and what is not. There are of course no clear answers to this, but […]
Abandonment syndrome, attachment, couple relationships and couple therapy
Abandonment problems, couples therapy, psychotherapy and grief therapy Do you know that? What is abandonment? Abandonment comes from French, where ‘abandon’ can be translated as something like abandoned or neglected. In psychology, we understand it as greater or lesser early failures or violations in connection with the primary caregivers. Failure that can leave a mark […]
Family Therapy – Symptoms
Symptoms in the family and reasons for family therapy When one member of the family has a problem, the whole family has a problem.Children are often the first in the family to show signs that something is wrong. The adults in the know have often noticed it, but may be too busy to do anything […]
Family and growth center
Family therapy and the family as a growth center The family is a growth center for all parties We are born in connectedness,we suffer in separation,we develop in mutuality.Anne-Lise Schibbye The family as a base The family is not just a safe and secure base as well as a source of love and a sense […]
Family and Children
• The children are a mirror • The children must benefit from the therapy • Can the children come alone Our children reflect us and we can reflect ourselves in our children The parents react to their children. If the parents are willing to look at the thoughts and feelings that their children arouse in […]