Moving on together after cheating?
Article: Moving on together after infidelity? Questions and answers about adultery This is an article in the series of answers about infidelity.At the bottom of the page you will find links to the other articles in the series.You are welcome to print, bookmark, email and share this article.Also see the blog and website for press, […]
The geometry of love / Relationships / Couples therapy
First aid for the relationship > The foundation > 3 tips for the relationship Free toolbox for the relationship in couples therapy Below, you will find the 3 most important factors in the relationship, which, through reconciliation and balancing, can save, secure and develop the relationship as well as strengthen the cohesion of the relationship. […]
The 5 languages of love / Relationships / Couples therapy
First aid for the relationship > The language of love > 5 tips for the relationship Free toolbox for the relationship in couples therapy Below you will find the 5 languages of love that can save, secure and develop the relationship as well as strengthen love, appreciation and intimacy. The five tools can be used […]
Love time and dating tips / Couples therapy
Dating time in the relationship As a couples therapist, I experience clients who have forgotten to be lovers on a daily basis in couples therapy. After falling in love wears off at the same time as everyday life, the obvious and the power of habit takes over, many couples forget to be lovers. The relationship slowly slips […]
Chapter 7: The 3 tips for empathetic, appreciative and change-making dialogue in the relationship
Psychological communication > Image therapy > 3 imago tools Free toolbox for communication in the relationship and in couples therapy Below are 3 tips for appreciative, loving, healing and change-making dialogue in the relationship. The 3 tools can be used both in your couples therapy at and in your own process at home. This toolkit is also the seventh […]
Chapter 6: The 4 tips for non-violent and change-making communication in the relationship
Psychological communication > Self-regulation and assertion > Giraffe language • What is giraffe language and wolf language?• How do I get to say what I want and want in a respectful way?• How can you express yourself assertively in a short and simple form?• What is Nonviolent Communication (NVC)? • Communication psychology, constructive communication and […]
Chapter 5: The 2 exercises and 36 questions that can make you fall in love again
First aid for the relationship > The spark > 2 tips and 36 questions for the relationship Free toolbox for the relationship in couples therapy Below you will find the 2 exercises and 36 questions to ask to fall in love. The 36 questions can be used both preventively and therapeutically in relation to your […]
Chapter 5: The 13 specific tips for better arguments in the relationship
Psychological communication > Arguments > 13 specific advice Free toolbox for communication in the relationship and in couple therapy Below are 13 tips for communication, arguments and conflict management in the relationship. The 13 tools can be used both in your couples therapy at and in your own process at home. This toolbox is also the fifth chapter in […]
Chapter 4: The 4 general tips for better arguments in the relationship
Psychological communication > Arguments > 4 general advice Free toolbox for communication in the relationship and in couple therapy Below are four tips for communication, arguments and conflict management in the relationship. The four tools can be used both in your couples therapy at and in your own process at home. This toolkit is also the fourth chapter in […]
Chapter 4: The 3 pillars that can create balance, security and well-being in the relationship
First aid for the relationship > The geometry of love > 3 tips for the relationship Free toolbox for the relationship in couples therapy Below, you will find the 3 most important factors in the relationship, which, through reconciliation and balancing, can save, secure and develop the relationship as well as strengthen the cohesion of […]