Successful couple relationships / Couples therapy
What is needed to create success in the relationship Many people ask me what it takes to create a good relationship, how can you make the relationship better or what can you do to save and rebuild it. Unfortunately, there is no simple standard solution to this. If you could make such a solution, it would probably […]
Divorce indicators / Relationships / Couples therapy
First aid for the relationship > Warning lights > 6 tips for the relationship Free toolbox for the relationship in couples therapy Below you will find the four factors that, together with a predominance of negativity and inadequate attempts at repair, can predict divorce with 90% if couples therapy is not used. The six warning […]
Relationships, private life, work and love / couples therapy
Can you mix work and relationships? Can you let it go? As a business coach® and couples therapist, I would rather ask that? Because it is next inevitable not to mix the professional with the love. Today, we are whole people who have to function both privately and professionally. At the same time, both areas of life are important components […]
Happiness, relationships and couples therapy
The hamster wheel As a psychotherapist and couple therapist at in Copenhagen, I see far too many clients who have lost themselves in the relationship and the hamster wheel. The happiness of many has come to depend on the partner and the partner’s happiness or the career and the material goods. Pride can be good […]
The 5 languages of love / Relationships / Couples therapy
First aid for the relationship > The language of love > 5 tips for the relationship Free toolbox for the relationship in couples therapy Below you will find the 5 languages of love that can save, secure and develop the relationship as well as strengthen love, appreciation and intimacy. The five tools can be used […]
Love time and dating tips / Couples therapy
Dating time in the relationship As a couples therapist, I experience clients who have forgotten to be lovers on a daily basis in couples therapy. After falling in love wears off at the same time as everyday life, the obvious and the power of habit takes over, many couples forget to be lovers. The relationship slowly slips […]
Why is the relationship so difficult?
Couples therapy is overall the most effective treatment Nothing can be hidden in the relationship The relationship triggers all of our psychological challenges and therefore couples therapy is the best psychological treatment. All psychological problems are connected – arise, appear or are triggered in the relationship. There is nothing that can be hidden in love relationships and […]
Joy and sorrow in the relationship
Relationships, joy and sorrow Grief as well as joy are central and important emotions in the relationship. They are pervasive and mutually dependent. Sorrow and joy are like night and day. There would be no day without there also being night. In this way, there also needs to be room for sadness so that there […]
The 36 questions that can make you fall in love
First aid for the relationship > The spark > 2 tips for the relationship Free toolbox for the relationship in couples therapy Below you will find the 2 exercises and 36 questions to ask to fall in love. The 36 questions can be used both preventively and therapeutically in relation to your couples therapy at […]
7 golden rules for 2 living together
First aid for the relationship > The good relationship > 7 tips for the relationship Free toolbox for the relationship in couples therapy Below you will find the seven golden rules that can save, secure and develop the relationship as well as strengthen interaction, coexistence, cohesion and emotional life. The seven tools can be used […]